The article of our Partner Mr Argyris Benteniotis, together with Mr Lazaros Ioannou from APC Audit Tax Advisory Ltd, both significant members of AB Compliance (www.abcompliance.net), regarding the implementation of the 5th AML Directive in Greek legal system and the increased regulatory requirements for the Greek Supervisory Authorities as well as the relevant obliged persons and entities was published in SYNIGOROS (ADVOCATE), the bimonthly journal, by NOMIKI VIBLIOTHIKI (www.nb.org ), concerning current legal and business affairs. SYNIGOROS (ADVOCATE) constitutes a valuable tool in the hands of modern legal professionals as It includes updates on national and European legislation, as well as case law developments, with summaries of selected case law of the highest Greek and European courts. The article was published in the 140th issue in pp 62-66.
Find the journal (in Greek) by clicking here.

AB Compliance
AB Compliance has emerged through the collaboration of Benteniotis &
Associates Law Firm with the Cyprus consulting firm APC Audit Tax Advisory Ltd.
The purpose of this cooperation is to set up a team of dedicated legal advisers
and associates, for the provision of services connected with the obligation of
businesses and professionals to comply with European Directives and internal laws
to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
Our compliance services aim to help Greek obliged persons and entities
to meet challenging situations. Our solutions are conceived and executed based
both on the relevant legislation and best practices and they aim to interpret,
simplify and streamline the regulation requirements into clear, concise and
meaningful actions.
For further information on AB Compliance please
visit: www.abcompliance.net